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How Soon is Too Soon for Family Reunification During Addiction Recovery?

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Medical Content Writer

Amanda Stevens

Amanda Stevens is a highly respected figure in the field of medical content writing, with a specific focus on eating disorders and addiction treatment. Amanda earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Work from Purdue University, graduating Magna Cum Laude, which serves as a strong educational foundation for her contributions.
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Many people believe that family reunification during addiction recovery will help to reduce the risk of relapse, but this isn’t necessarily true. 

In fact, having your family around may make you more likely to fall back into your old addictive behaviors. For some it can certainly cause your recovery process to be more difficult and painful than it needs to be. 

Here are a few ways to know when you are ready for family reunification during addiction recovery and when it might not be the best choice for you or your loved one.

You Have Completed a Treatment Program

If you have recently completed a treatment program and are considering whether or not it is time for a family visit, here are some pointers to help you decide if it’s the right time for you:

  • You are no longer using drugs or alcohol
  • If you have attended 12 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in the past 12 weeks, and a minimum of one meeting per week
  • If you have a sponsor who is sober and that sponsor agrees that reunification with family would be helpful
  • You have been participating in group therapy on a regular basis at a treatment program
  • You feel confident about yourself and your future
  • You have been working on making amends to those you have harmed over the course of your addiction while you were actively using drugs or alcohol

You Have Been Sober for an Extended Period of Time

It is important to know when it’s time to reach out to family members and reconnect. This decision can be especially difficult if you have been sober for an extended period of time, or if you’ve been in recovery from addiction for a while. 

You may feel like your sobriety will be threatened by contacting loved ones or feel embarrassed about things that happened in the past. 

The truth is, there are many benefits of reuniting with family during recovery, as well as some things you should consider before contacting them. 

You Have a Strong Support System

The best way to know if it is time for family reunification during addiction recovery is if you have a strong support system in place. Once you have a stable support system in place, if something goes wrong during the family reunification process, you will have loved ones to lean on to prevent you from relapsing. 

Having the right people around you can help you deal with the withdrawal symptoms and cravings that come with the recovery process. There will be tough moments, but when your loved ones are there for you, it makes it so much easier to get through them. 

Make sure to tell only those you trust about your addiction so they can understand what you are going through and ultimately provide you with love and support.

If you do not have a strong support system in place already, consider reaching out to trusted friends or professionals for advice on how to build one.

You Have a Plan for Relapse Prevention

It is recommended to have a relapse prevention plan ready before you reconnect with family and friends. 

The plan will tell you what kind of potential triggers to avoid and what to do if anything unexpected happens that would affect your sobriety.

You Are in Therapy

Therapy is a safe place for you to process your thoughts and feelings about addiction, addiction recovery, and family reunification. 

If you have any doubts about whether it’s time for family reunification during addiction recovery, make sure that: 

  • You are ready to take care of yourself without relying on substances or unhealthy behaviors
  • You want to live a healthy life with or without your loved one that has an addiction
  • You would like to be in touch with your loved one but don’t want them around while they are using substances or acting out in other ways that could harm themselves or others
  • You are ready to take responsibility for your actions

Get a Professional Opinion from an Addiction Recovery Expert at Maryland Addiction Recovery Center

One of the best ways to determine if it is time for family reunification during addiction recovery is by getting a professional opinion. 

At Maryland Addiction Recovery Center, we have expert counselors ready to help you determine if the time is right for family reunification. Our therapists will be able to tell you if it’s time by looking at your current situation and what you want for your future. 

They’ll also know about any triggers or habits that may cause relapse, which can help make the decision easier. 

If our psychologist tells you that it’s not yet safe for family reunification during addiction recovery, don’t give up hope – they’ll be there with you every step of the way to help guide you through this difficult process. 

If you or someone you know needs help for addiction or co-occurring disorder issues, please give us a call. Maryland Addiction Recovery Center offers the most comprehensive dual diagnosis addiction treatment in the Mid-Atlantic area. If we aren’t the best fit for you or your loved one, we will take the necessary time to work with you to find a treatment center or provider that better fits your needs. Please give us a call at (866) 929-2159 or email our team at For more information on all of our drug addiction, alcohol addiction and co-occurring disorder services and recovery resources, please visit our website at

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