June 2021 is Pride Month
The month of June is recognized as Pride Month, or more specifically, LGBTQ+ Pride Month. It is a month celebrated annua [...]
Safe Alcohol Consumption is a Myth
Is Social Drinking Really Harmless?Alcohol is the most socially acceptable substance use that takes place in society wor [...]
MARC Welcomes New Primary Therapist Lindsay Longo
Maryland Addiction Recovery Center is pleased to welcome therapy Lindsay Longo, LMSW, to the MARC family as a Primary Th [...]
Through the Eyes of an Intern: My Fellowship at MARC
Hannah Cherry is a current graduate student at the University of Maryland Baltimore. Recently, she spent several months [...]
Rise in Cryptocurrency Frenzy is Creating a Cryptocurrency Addiction Crisis
Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that allows owners of the currency to buy and sell goods and services online or tra [...]
April 2021 is Alcohol Awareness Month
April 2021 is Alcohol Awareness Month. Alcohol Awareness Month is an annual public health program organized by NCADD, th [...]
How To Identify A Drinking Problem In Your College Student
The use of alcohol and other substances is something that is not uncommon for college-age kids. Many people identify the [...]
Expectations of Intensive Outpatient (IOP) Treatment
Here at Maryland Addiction Recovery Center, we offer two intensive outpatient (IOP) treatment programs for individuals s [...]
The Impact of COVID-19 on Addiction and Mental Health
It was just over one year ago that the coronavirus was labeled as a global pandemic. In that time, COVID-19 has blazed a [...]