MARC Therapeutic Assistants: On the Front Lines of Recovery
One of the lesser talked about, but oftentimes most important, staff positions in behavioral healthcare and addiction tr [...]
Arielle Seidler Promoted to MARC Family Therapist And Will Oversee New Family Recovery Programming (FRP)
We are pleased to announce that Arielle Seidler, LCSW-C, formerly a Primary Therapist here at Maryland Addiction Recover [...]
MARC Welcomes Ryan Burton as new Community Relations Specialist!
Maryland Addiction Recovery Center is proud to announce the addition of Ryan Burton to our business development and outr [...]
MARC, Ashley Addiction Treatment, and ADB Pilot Recovery-Ready Workplace Program for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses
Contrary to popular belief, most Americans struggling with addiction are employed, continuing to hold down a job while l [...]
National Addiction Treatment Week: Oct. 21-27, 2019
This week, between October 21st and October 27th, 2019, is recognized as National Addiction Treatment Week. Beginning in [...]
Addiction Is a Chronic Illness: We Need to Start Treating It Like It
The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) defines addiction as a “primary, chronic disease of brain reward, moti [...]
MARC and Caron Treatment Centers Announce Acquisition of Encore Recovery
Maryland Addiction Recovery Center of Towson, Maryland and Caron Treatment Centers, headquartered in Wernersville, Penns [...]
Opioids, the Opioid Epidemic, and the Impact of Opioids on Baltimore County
Opioids are a class of drug naturally found in the opium poppy plant and that work in the brain to produce a variety of effects, including the relief of pain. Opioids can be both prescription medications often referred to as painkillers, or they can be illicit, or so-called street drugs, such as heroin.
Working in Early Recovery: MARC Offers Full Vocational Programming
At Maryland Addiction Recovery Center, we believe that treating addiction and co-occurring disorders does not mean simp [...]