Maryland Addiction Recovery Center: We’ve Been Busy!
Over the last couple of months, we’ve been busy! Primarily, of course, our mission at Maryland Addiction Recovery Center [...]
Introducing Caron College Success™ program at Maryland Addiction Recovery Center
At Maryland Addiction Recovery Center, we are committed to providing patients with a continuum of care that includes add [...]
The Dangers of Stimulants
America’s opioid crisis has grabbed the headlines over the last several years in relation to the country’s relationships [...]
May 2019 is Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month in America, a month dedicated to raising awareness and breaking the stigma of menta [...]
Maryland Addiction Recovery Center and Caron Treatment Centers announce Management Agreement for Encore Recovery Solutions
Maryland Addiction Recovery Center and Caron Treatment Centers are excited to announce they have jointly entered into a [...]
Addiction Treatment: Collaboration, not Competition, yields best results for Patients, Families and Treatment Organizations
When we opened Maryland Addiction Recovery Center in early 2014, we designed and built the organization to follow severa [...]
April 2019 is Alcohol Awareness Month
April is Alcohol Awareness Month for 2019! Alcohol Awareness Month is a public health program organized by the National [...]
What is Fentanyl?
As the opioid crisis, and the associated rates of overdoses and overdose deaths, continues to rise throughout America, t [...]
Your Loved One Needs Addiction Treatment. How to Vet Quality Rehabs and Addiction Treatment Programs
Although it’s difficult to figure out exact numbers, the thought process is that in the United States over 24 million pe [...]