Adult Children Need Empowerment, Not Enabling
Over the last 20 years, society as a whole has moved towards a system that supports parents enabling their adult childre [...]
MARC Executive Director and Clinical Director to present at Tuerk Conference in Baltimore on “Reconstructing Family Dynamics in Addiction Treatment”
This week, on Wednesday, April 19th, the 2017 edition of the Tuerk Conference on Mental Health and Addiction Treatment w [...]
5 Ways to Identify Questionable or Unethical Operators and Providers of Addiction Treatment
It is a fairly well-known fact that the current state of the addiction treatment industry is overrun by a number of unet [...]
Maryland Addiction Recovery Center YouTube Channel aids in Educating Community about Addiction, Treatment and Recovery
Maryland Addiction Recovery Center, the leader in comprehensive extended care dual diagnosis and addiction treatment, ha [...]
New Study: Patients that receive Long-Term Treatment for Addiction & Alcoholism have Significantly Higher Success Rates of Recovery
A new study published in the Open Journal of Psychiatry titled “Addiction Treatment Aftercare Outcome Study” (https://w [...]
The Underbelly of Addiction Treatment: A look at the Unethical and Illegal Practices of Addiction Treatment Industry
For years the addiction treatment industry has grown as a fairly unregulated industry with little oversight into the dai [...]
This Week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2017
This last week of February (Feb. 27th through March 3rd, 2017) is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2017 (#NEDAwa [...]
Fentanyl is Killing our Children: An Understanding of the Dangers of this Powerful Drug
Over the last 5 years or so America has become the scene of an opioid pandemic. The unscrupulous and unethical practices [...]
How a Better Understanding of Stress Can Improve Drug Addiction Treatment
The correlation between stress, addiction, and susceptibility to relapse has been well noted and accepted throughout the [...]