What is the Maryland Healing Network? Zachary Snitzer March 14, 2018 “Healing is not linear” – Unknown Since its inception, Maryland Addiction Recovery Center has strived to be a community-driven treatment
How Can I tell if my Child is on Drugs? Zachary Snitzer March 5, 2018 Parenting is difficult and often anxiety inducing, especially when faced with raising a teenager or young adult who may be
Meet the Clinical Team at Maryland Addiction Recovery Center Zachary Snitzer February 19, 2018 An addiction treatment center survives and thrives off the quality of its clinical and medical staff. While fancy web site
It’s Time We Take a Stand Zachary Snitzer February 12, 2018 We are a family-owned and operated company. Maryland Addiction Recovery Center was founded in late 2013. In the just over
The Dangers of Prescription Drugs Zachary Snitzer February 5, 2018 One of the biggest misnomers when it comes to America’s addiction epidemic is that the dangers of substance use disorder
Learn about Addiction Treatment: What is the ideal Continuum of Care? Zachary Snitzer November 20, 2017 One of the biggest issues regarding addiction and the treatment of this deadly disease is the way that we approach
Maryland Addiction Recovery Center welcomes Dr. Alfred Forrester to the MARC staff as new Staff Psychiatrist! Zachary Snitzer November 14, 2017 Maryland Addiction Recovery Center is proud to announce the addition of psychiatrist Dr. Alfred Forrester, MD, to the MARC team!
Hiding in Plain Sight: Patient brokering must be stopped but so does the practice of rehabs funding patient brokering Zachary Snitzer November 7, 2017 Hiding in Plain Sight We all know and chastise patient brokering in the addiction treatment field, but what about the
Don’t look to Government to Solve America’s Addiction Crisis Zachary Snitzer October 30, 2017 On Thursday, October 26th, President Trump announced that he was officially declaring America’s opioid epidemic a public health emergency, action
What Every Parent of a College-Aged Child Needs to Hear about Substance Use Disorder on College Campuses Zachary Snitzer October 18, 2017 On Tuesday, October 17th, 2017 Hazelden Betty Ford, the Mary Christie Foundation and the University of Maryland School of Public