5 Things You Can Do to Fight the Stigma of Addiction Zachary Snitzer November 17, 2014 Do your part to help fight the Stigma of Addiction Everyone knows someone that suffers from the disease of addiction.
Addiction Treatment, Recovery & the Jewish Community Zachary Snitzer November 11, 2014 Maryland Addiction Recovery Center has partnered with Baltimore’s Jewish Community Services and nationally renowned Caron Treatment Centers to offer “Clearing
Top 5 Excuses Used to Not Receive Addiction Treatment Zachary Snitzer November 4, 2014 Top 5 excuses to not seek treatment Very few people that ever enter substance abuse treatment or drug rehab do
Maryland Addiction Recovery Center doing their Part to Break the Stigma of Addiction Zachary Snitzer October 27, 2014 Addiction is widely understood by most as a disease but the stigma surrounding addiction is still prevalent throughout society. Misinformation
Substance Abuse Treatment in Baltimore Overlooked Zachary Snitzer October 20, 2014 Mayor’s Call for New Heroin Task Force Two recent articles in The Baltimore Sun shined more light on the horrendous
New Hopkins Study Demonstrates Stigma of Drug Addiction Alive and Well Zachary Snitzer October 2, 2014 A new study by Johns Hopkins demonstrates that the stigma of drug addiction is alive and well in the American
What Is The Disease Model Of Addiction? Zachary Snitzer September 23, 2014 There is much controversy surrounding the idea that drug addiction and alcoholism are diseases. While the medical community classified alcoholism
Baltimore Makes an Effort to Prevent Drug Overdoses Zachary Snitzer September 9, 2014 Baltimore makes good start to fight drug overdoses but next step must be addiction treatment. Preventing Prescription Drug & Heroin Overdoses
Overdose Awareness Day Candlelight Vigil To Be Held Zachary Snitzer August 27, 2014 Maryland Overdose Awareness Week is this week and runs from August 28 through August 31st. August 31st marks the annual “International
Maryland plagued by heroin epidemic; Drug problem not just in Baltimore Zachary Snitzer August 22, 2014 For year’s Baltimore City was known as the “heroin capital of America” and while that title may or may not