The 9 Most Common Co-Occurring Disorders with Addiction Zachary Snitzer July 22, 2021 Many people have heard the terms “dual diagnosis” and “co-occurring disorder.” However, not many people know what they mean. Furthermore,
The Impact of COVID-19 on Addiction and Mental Health Zachary Snitzer March 16, 2021 It was just over one year ago that the coronavirus was labeled as a global pandemic. In that time, COVID-19
Addiction Recovery Triggers: What They are and How to Handle Them Zachary Snitzer January 11, 2021 The term “trigger” in addiction recovery refers to something that can lead an individual in recovery to relapse. A trigger
Tips on Staying Sober During the Holidays Zachary Snitzer December 17, 2020 The holiday season for someone seeking sobriety or living in early recovery from addiction can be difficult. During any year,
Thanksgiving 2020: Grateful for Every Moment Zachary Snitzer November 17, 2020 As we approach Thanksgiving, we traditionally use the holiday season to take a step back, reflect on the year, and
2020 Presidential Election Sanity: Tips for Your Mental Health Zachary Snitzer November 3, 2020 It is finally here, Election Day. One of the most emotional national presidential elections ever is coming to an end.
Guest Blog: The Healing Power of Helping Others Zachary Snitzer November 2, 2020 Tammy Lofink is a mom from Carroll County, Maryland who was thrust into the world of addiction, treatment, and recovery
Liv Houser: Living the Life of My Wildest Dreams Zachary Snitzer June 16, 2020 MARC Alumni Guest Post The following is a blog contribution from Liv Houser. Liv is an alumnus of Maryland