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Unite To Face Addiction

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Medical Content Writer

Amanda Stevens

Amanda Stevens is a highly respected figure in the field of medical content writing, with a specific focus on eating disorders and addiction treatment. Amanda earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Work from Purdue University, graduating Magna Cum Laude, which serves as a strong educational foundation for her contributions.
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UNITE To Face Addiction

October 4, 2015, National Mall, Washington, D.C.


On October 4th, 2015 tens of thousands of people will descent upon the National Mall in Washington, D.C. to take part in “The Day the Silence Ends”. The UNITE to Face Addiction rally is being organized by non-profit organization Facing Addiction Inc., an organization whose purpose is dedicated to finding solutions to the addiction crisis. Additionally, the rally is being supported by an independent coalition of national, state, regional and local non-profit organizations. The vision for the UNITED to Face Addiction rally is to bring together the best resourced in the field in order to reduce the human and social costs of addiction, every year, until the public health crisis of addiction is eliminated.


Some startling facts about the national addiction epidemic impacting the United States:

  • Addiction impacts 1/3 of American households
  • 90% of people who need treatment for substance use disorders do not receive it
  • The United States government has spent over $1 trillion dollars on the failed War on Drugs


Campaign Director of UNITED To Face Addiction Greg Williams (the writer and producer of “The Anonymous People” documentary) recently submitted a blog in The Huffington Post describing the importance of this event and the momentous impact if can have for the future of how the world and the country views addiction, addiction treatment and people in recovery (


The October 4th rally may no doubt have an impact beyond aiding in breaking the stigma of addiction and recovery. Hope is that with such an impact, more people will feel compelled to seek treatment and recovery, more access to drug and alcohol treatment will be available and the recovery community will have a voice to aid in enforcing healthcare parity and make sure insurance companies truly treat addiction as a disease and, in doing so, pay for the necessary long term treatment and follow up care.


Addiction stigmas must break and personal and family shame of addiction must end. There are over 23 million Americans in active recovery that prove recovery. Those same 23 million Americans can unite to have one voice that speaks not only for those in recovery, but for those that still suffer from active addiction and their families.


Who should attend the rally?

  1. Anyone in recovery
  2. Anyone that has lost a loved one to addiction
  3. Anyone that has a loved one in active addiction
  4. Anyone that is interested in combating the addiction epidemic


For more information on the October 4th “UNITED to Face Addiction” rally, visit and make plans to attend the rally on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on October 4th, 2015.

If you or someone you know is in need of an intervention or help because of drug and/or alcohol abuse, please give us a call. Maryland Addiction Recovery Center offers the most comprehensive addiction treatment in the Baltimore City, Baltimore County and entire Maryland and Washington, D.C. area. If we aren’t the best fit for you or your loved one, we will take the necessary time to work with you to find a treatment center or provider that better fits your needs. Please give us a call at (410) 773-0500 or email our team at Contact us today. For more information on all of our drug addiction and alcohol addiction services and recovery resources, please visit our web site at

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