Maryland Healing Network, a network of local therapists, treatment professionals, service providers, holistic healers, attorneys and other professionals that meet in the local Maryland areas of Towson, Annapolis and Columbia. Reaching out and partnering with therapist groups, individual therapists and addiction treatment professionals that co-host in each area, the meetings have become a place where those in the mental health and addiction treatment field and those providers whose work impacts and are impacts by the clients they see come together to discuss what more can be done, how to provide best-in-class practices, how to better and more effectively collaborate, how to find and best support self-care. Each group has organically taken a direction inspired by those professionals sin the local area and what they feel they and their local areas need the most. They laugh, they inspire, they grow, they discuss issues, they share information on their services, upcoming events, trainings and best practices.
For more information on The Maryland Healing Network, contact Mallorie Schwartzman at
443.578.6966 or